For context, Microsoft decided to invest $1 billion in cybersecurity in 2017. Still, it was hacked in early 2022 by the dreaded LAPSUS$ group.
One might wonder, “Why secure and protect their business online if they cannot be 100% secure?” Read on to know more and secure your business.
Why Is 100% Security Not Possible?
100% security is impossible. Many factors contribute to this, and here are some of these factors:
The first factor that ensures a system cannot be 100% secure is the user. People are always the weak link in terms of being careless with passwords and getting hooked by phishing and social engineering attacks. Asides from that, if you want to get a person’s passwords, a criminal could do it the “criminal way,” using brute force or other related methods to get what they need and do what they want.
Striking a balance between security and usability
Increasing a system’s security is all well and good, but expert IT staff know there must be a fine balance between usability and security. Making a system highly secure will reduce its usability or force users to circumvent the usual security methods. This then defeats the aim of having a secure system in the first place.
Hence, cybersecurity professionals must find the balance between creating a lot of security methods and ensuring people are comfortable enough with that level of security to interact with the system.
System complexity
The more complex a system is in terms of multiple layers and security features, the higher the chance of the system having software bugs in its code. Moreover, because of the complexity, developers might never sniff out the bug, which could be the opening a hacker can get into a system. Hence, as long as there is no surety for bug-free software, there is no guarantee for total security.
Why You Should Worry About Security and Protection Nevertheless
While it is impossible to guarantee total security, it is possible to reduce it to an acceptable and controllable level. It is important to shrink the number of endpoints a hacker can come through, while also reducing the possibility of getting hacked.
In retrospect, security cannot be absolute; rather, just two ends of a spectrum where one side means total security and the other means total insecurity. By implementing well-designed security strategies, we can ensure your business moves towards the “total security” end of the spectrum.
As long as the opportunity to reduce the number of successful attacks exists, there will always be a need to protect your business. Otherwise, your business data, customer data, and other essential files become an easy target for cybercriminals.
With the ever-expanding use cases of the internet and the ever-increasingly sophisticated methods cybercriminals work with, there is a cogent need for businesses to attempt to secure themselves from the least experienced cybercriminals by hiring expert IT staff and hoping for the best.
How to Secure Your System
Securing your business system from malicious actors is an amalgamation of numerous tips, tactics, and strategies. Here are some hints to help you stay secure and protected:
Use stronger passwords
Passwords are the first level of defence against cybercriminals. However, if this password is easy to guess, then the cybercriminal more or less has access to your account, unless more forms of security, such as MFA, are implemented. Hence, passwords need to be as unique and random as possible to prevent easy guessing.
Combine special characters, letters, and numbers to make it more challenging to guess, and ensure that none of your passwords are less than twelve characters. Also, look to change your passwords frequently. Use diverse usernames and passwords for each of your accounts, and do not write them anywhere. A password manager would be a better choice in this case.
Secure your business’ network
For computer networks, the first level of security is a firewall. Firewalls prevent viruses and hackers from accessing your computer when you visit websites that look good on the surface but are online booby traps. Firewalls are also extremely important when you employ WFH (work from home) and BYOD (bring your own device) policies.
Aside from having a firewall, you should install antivirus on your computers and schedule regular updates. This will prevent spyware, malware, and ransomware from rendering your computer useless.
Be wary of public Wi-Fi
Employees who work from home should be informed that they should avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi, especially with company devices. They should also have a VPN setup in their homes should they want to connect to the business network to get some work done. Any messages sent over public email could be intercepted with ease. Also, avoid using these connections for business and financial operations.
For your home email, ensure you change the default passwords and constantly check for unfamiliar connections.
Be wary of unfamiliar email links
Every business uses email, so much so that it is the primary tool with which businesses communicate with businesses. Hence, it is no surprise that hackers target company emails intending to carry out cruel acts that could ruin the company’s finances and reputation.
Every employee should avoid clicking on questionable links. Links from spam emails, unfamiliar emails, and emails from sketchy businesses should be avoided. These can be hackers in disguise looking to get vital details from unsuspecting staff.
Improve Your Business Cybersecurity Levels with a Top-Notch Company Like Data First Solutions
If you are looking to develop better overall cybersecurity strategies for your business, Data First Solutions is here to get that to you. From deciding the best approach for your business to setting up an excellent backup strategy, Data First Solutions can get you the best thing your business needs to increase its online security levels. Contact us today to get started.